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About Us


Our Mission

At Ecliptic Vortex Health our mission is to, not only bring back balance to our client's health and livelihood, but to enlighten them in a very simplified and understandable way. This way, when a client's health is restored, they will understand their ailments on a fundamental level; the cause of the disease, what allows the disease to proliferate in the body, and how it is eliminated. No longer will your illness be a mystery!

8 Years Of Experience

We have extensive knowledge and experience via experimentation, research, and application. This includes: Biochemistry, Nutrition, Physics, Naturopathy, and Pregnancy Management.

Not Your Average Healthcare

Our methodology is based on real science; not trends and what is popular. This makes our methods uncommon, yet extremely effective. In nature there are booby-traps (poisonous plants and foods) all around us. It is the same in the medical industry. If you aren't careful the very people who are helping you can also make you extremely sick. We are here to help those who are looking for a better way, to navigate through this predatory environment.

100's of  Happy Clients

Unlike Pharmaceutical drugs, our clients aren't slaves to our services and medicines for the rest of their lives. Once you have been healed there is no need to come back to us. We all have a life to live, go live it.

Carbon Based

The way in which we approach health has it's basis in Black Biology. The healthy black body is the pedigree of health. We strip away the racism that has been stitched into the medical industry. Even though our methodology is centered around the black body and it's specific needs it also benefits people of all ethnicities at the same time.

Founder of Ecliptic Vortex Health

Dr. Koda

Kiimak ool! (Welcome!) I'm Hasinah Koda, an Aboriginal Naturopathic Doctor. Born with a passion for health and healing and over 7 years of experience and experimenting, I've had the honor of studying under great Master healers such as Dr. Maxwell Nartey, Founder of the American School of Symptometry, and Amaru Namaa Taga Xi-Ali Founder of the Aboriginal Medical Association, attaining certification in Healthy Longevity, Pregnancy Management, and As a Naturopathic Doctor. 

Elois Lee

Greetings My Lovelies!! I am Elois Lee, a Wholistic based, Empath, Emotional Energy Worker, Psycho-Social/Spiritual Life Healing Coach. I am clinically trained and educated as a Psycho-Social and Substance Abuse Clinician for the past 20 years.I currently hold a Masters Degree in Human Service/Psychology and an Associates Degree in Addiction Counseling. I have been practicing a Wholistic Way of Life helping others to heal the mind, body and spirit for the past 20 years, through various techniques of non- traditional, spiritual and traditional modalities of emotional healing, thereby healing the whole-self.



We offer consultations and services that will have you well on your way to recovery and enlightenment

Our products are all natural, non-alcohol based, and are useful for a variety of ailments such as High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Fibroids, Herpes, and much more.

Our blog has tons of information that you probably didn't know. We demystify the scientific jargon so the laymen/laywomen have clarity and direction.

High Quality Service

You Are Guaranteed to Receive Value


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About Us



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Our Location

2153 Se Hawthorne Rd Ste 117

Gainesville, FL 32641

(By Appointment Only)



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